Wednesday, March 08, 2006

the mood today

Earlier I was thinking I would blog how to have a good morning...which would be,

wake up before your alarm goes off, naturally, slowly, easily, not in that, dammit I have five more minutes of sleep, but in that slept all I needed ready to start my day...make yourself some great scrambled eggs on a whole wheat muffin with some havarti good morning america and write the lesson plan that you should have written the day before...walk to the coffee shop on your corner and treat yourself to a non-fat large latte..walk to the el listening to ella fitzgerald on your ipod.... enjoy sunshine on the el platform... get a window seat on the el and watch this wacky city spin underneath you...drop off copies of your latest draft of a story to your advisor, and everyone in your workshop class, smile as you walk north toward the river because it's 10 am and you've already gotten so much done ... enjoy the spring window displays at Marshall's sunny and in the 40's outside...spring is coming... notice the rhythm of the city as you trot up Dearborn listening to Louie Armstrong.... get to the office early enough to not feel guilty that you only wrote the training session you are doing that day that morning ... and then ...


call your 21 yr old nephew (such a baby still - at least in your imagination) to say "please don't be a hero" because he is shipping out to Iraq for his 2nd tour at 0300... promise that THIS time you'll actually do more than send him one or two emails...

proceed to have an exhausting day ... do two days of work between 10:30 am and 8:30 pm... speak to people in both Brazil and China trying to keep track of different currencies and different slang when asking they same ol same ol recruiting questions ... between EIGHT phone interviews some three in row (and never having more than a 30 minute break between anything …which between interviews running over and submitting feedback and responding to emails becomes less than 10) ... answer emails from your mother about a family situation that is DRAINING...and some how you have been nominated to have a conversation with someone that no one wants to confront ...

and still you are in the office at 8:30 at night...

How to start your day in a great mood and end it exhausted…

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