Tuesday, March 07, 2006

In the end it IS about words

In a previous post, I incorrectly described my friend as talking through a moment of anguish. That was writer's embellishment. It was the word that I liked in the sentence, but she pointed out to me last night that Anguish was a little too intense a word. She's right. That was lazy writing. So below are some better word choices:

Disappointment n.

    1. The act of disappointing.
    2. The condition or feeling of being disappointed.
  1. One that disappoints.

Frustration n.

    1. The act of frustrating or an instance of being frustrated.
    2. The state of being frustrated.
  1. Something that serves to frustrate.

Vexation n.

  1. The act of annoying, irritating, or vexing.
  2. The quality or condition of being vexed; annoyance.
  3. A source of irritation or annoyance.

Exasperation n.

  1. The act or an instance of exasperating.
  2. The state of being exasperated; frustrated annoyance.

Aggravation n.

  1. The act of aggravating or the state of being aggravated.
  2. A source of continuing, increasing irritation or trouble.
  3. Exasperation.

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