Thursday, February 09, 2006

Do I have nothing to say?

Now that my classes have started again, and I am reading volumes of stuff, and I have write and be creative every day, I find I have nothing blog about.

Curious, right?


Word of the Day:

For your further education, I'd like share a word that I came across that I love. I don't know why I love this word. But it feels good on my lips and in my sentences. It has sass and eloquence, all at once. Kinda like me and most of my friends ;-)

Definitions of audacious on the Web:

  • invulnerable to fear or intimidation; "audacious explorers"; "fearless reporters and photographers"; "intrepid pioneers"
  • unrestrained by convention or propriety; "an audacious trick to pull"; "a barefaced hypocrite"; "the most bodacious display of tourism this side of Anaheim"- Los Angeles Times; "bald-faced lies"; "brazen arrogance"; "the modern world with its quick material successes and insolent belief in the boundless possibilities of progress"- Bertrand Russell
  • disposed to venture or take risks; "audacious visions of the total conquest of space"; "an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas"; "the most daring of contemporary fiction writers"; "a venturesome investor"; "a venturous spirit"
  • unrestrained by prevailing standards of propriety


Anonymous said...

I think that is me?!? Is that me in the picture with you.

I would like to be audacious. :-)

Player of words said...

that's you and HMnowG...and yes you are most definitely audacious ;-)