(and while I love them, I’m staying away from the obvious things like the Lake and the Cubs)
Two sided.
If you get a card from me, 99% of the time I purchased it at Two Sided. They have the best selection of cards and wacky unique gifts. Plus it usually smells nice because of all the different candles in there. And they have dog biscuits outside the store. That’s just cuteness all around.
Large Intelligentsia skim lattes with three packets of Splenda.
The foam is crack. My crack. When I take that first sip I have to resist moaning out loud. Public displays of java orgasms are just not cool.
Matilda’s and it’s bartenders.
My local. My home away from home to drink. I like it best during the week when it’s quieter, a little older. Less drunk horny twenty-somethings and more grown ups getting tipsy on a Monday night. I crave the fish tacos and I think the best deal ever is Fish Taco Tuesdays. They have my favorite juke box in the city. But really my favorite thing about Matilda’s is that they always make me feel at home and totally welcome. Like I’m their favorite regular. I have no delusions about this. I have bartended and waited tables but still I eat it up. And my favorite bartender is Calvin. He’s adorable, funny and always engaging to talk to. He’s flirty in the right way. (but sorry girls, he does have a girlfriend) Still, I like some innocent flirting with my vodka. And he’s an amazing musician. sigh.
Sweet Mandy B’s cupcakes.
you should check out paperboy on belmont/southport. hands down, it's my favorite paper/card store in chicago.
I do LOVE paperboy, but it's a bit off the path for me. Two-sided is geographically convenient. Btw... Chicago (and I) miss you.
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