I know, I know ...where the hell have I been? Too much has happened since I last posted to play catch up (and lets be honest, I'm too lazy).
But here are somethings that I've been contemplating lately (I almost said ruminating, but then I'd feel like I was stealing from Aaron Karo)
On election night I was called an elitist by a McCain supporter (and at the time I thought a red stater - but in the end Indiana went blue - Go Indiana!). My question is, can you be an elitist if you voted for a minority (and especially if you voted on the issues and not because of some white liberal guilt)?
They day after the last election, that pointless and dangerous re-election of Dubya, I felt an overwhelming sadness. I was so disappointed in the human race. I was, at the time, in the very blue state of New York and in the very liberal borough of Manhattan, and working at a liberal Internet company (and the greatest company ever). I remember the permeating feeling of disappointment in the office. We were all disillusioned.
Then Obama 08 happened. I still cry when I see clips of his acceptance speech. The sense of glee from reporters, the (literal) partying in the streets, the euphoria every where was amazing. THEN, facebook statuses happened.
I grew up in the (once red) sort-of-southern (depending on what county) state of Virginia. And went to college in the (once red - yeah! Now blue!) southern state of North Carolina. I have always known many a conservative but was shocked by some of my facebook friends facebook statuses the day after the election. Like "disappointed our next president thinks that babies that are 'mistakes' should be aborted to not 'punish' the mother" and "Sad and disillusioned" WTF. Really? REALLY? I mean... REALLY?
In the end, ridiculousness will always exist.
Also, what the hell is up with Prop 8 and California? And what the hell is wrong with gay marriage? I do not understand why gay marriage is a threat or an insult to marriage. Let me be clear, I understand the arguments being made. It's not that I can't grasp them from an intellectual stand point. It's from an ideological, emotional, humane perspective that boggles my mind. How does Ellen DeGeneres and Portia Derossi being married take anything away from my Grandparents marriage? To me adultery and divorce are a greater insult.
And WTF with the Mormon church? Couldn't money be better spent? And I say this having many a Mormon in my family. My brother was recruited - during his dark days of illegal activities and drug use - and I have many a niece and nephew who are Mormon. I love them. They are amazing kids (and now most of them- adults) and have been through some incredibly crappy times (including losing their mother when they were young) but I struggle with their religion and their politics. Yet, they, god love 'em, accept me for the heathen that I am. But, they have gotten married and divorced. One before she was 21 (married that is, the divorce was after). Again, how isn't that a greater insult than gay marriage?
In the end, I recognize that the philosophical difference is that I don't think homosexuality is a sin. It is not a moral issue for me. And I know that the bible is used to argue against it. But COME ON kids...that's Leviticus. You can not pick and choose bible passages to justify your prejudice. That's just unchristian.
I liked Keith Olbermann's rant. (HufPo)
And, I'm addicted to Nymag.com's news blog Daily Intel (DailyIntel)
Also, I have a confession, I watch The View. I know, I know. She infuriates me, and I even yell at the TV when she talks, yet I am missing Elizabeth Hasselbacks blind, idiotic support of the republican party. I loved how passionately dumb she can be. How annoyingly black and white. How ridiculous. I love to hate her. And I miss the craziness of her yelling at Joy Behar and Whoopi and even when Barb WaWa, while trying to remain nuetral, would catch herself telling Elizabeth she's an idiot. It's a sickness. My joy in it, kind of like watching the Pallin Katie Couric interview.
A Random Sampling of 2023
3 months ago
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