Monday, July 17, 2006

A few things to note

I've met only one Patrick.

Seen only a couple redheads.

Gaelic is not "Irish". There is a separate Irish language; it's one of THE most ancient languages.

The Irish call soccer soccer, rugby rugby and football, well they have their own sport that they call football.

Policemen/cops are referred to as guards.

Your home is your "gaff"

If you are drunk, you are "locked" (let's just say that the Dubliners, the ones from my office in particular, have gotten me quite locked)

After a night of being "locked" you will be knackered the next day (tired).

The guide books were not kidding about the buying of "rounds", get in there early as soon as possible to do your duty.

Apparently I’m a “bird.”

Neighbors know neighbors, even in Dublin.

Again, can’t say it enough, Dubliners are lovely.

* I promise PROMISE that I will start posting post.

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