SFO > HKG > SIN These are long flights. 14 hours to Hong Kong, another 3 to Singapore. I watched 4 movies. Read a book, slept.
On my flight from Hong Kong I sat next to a gentleman from China who spoke no English and obviously couldn't read English. The Embarkation card that the flight attendants passed out was in English. He and I engaged in some sloppy and awkward sign language when he asked for assistance filling his out. Finally I just took his passport and filled out as much as I could. I find it odd that an Asian airline wouldn't have something in Chinese. After the exhausting task of helping my seatmate, I slept.
When I got to Singapore, my luggage didn't. And they were so friendly and helpful, it was hard for me to cranky with them. Which, considering how tired I was, is pretty miraculous.
Friday, in my smelly sweater and leggings, I took a short walk around the block of my hotel. It was hot, I was stinky, I went back to the hotel. And I waited and waited and waited for my luggage. Initially it was supposed to arrive at 1pm. They then called to say that it had arrived to the airport, but wouldn't be delivered until between 3 and 6.
and so I waited.
and then my luggage arrived. and my shampoo had exploded. of course.
Sarah and her husband Ben invited me over for dinner that night, and told me to bring my shampoo drenched clothes to wash at their place.
It rained, down poured most of the night. They have a great apartment with a beautiful roof top deck, and had hoped to dine up there. Instead we ate in inside, but I did get a tour of the deck once the rain stopped. It was great catching up with them, and to see a couple that I knew when they were first dating, now settled into married life with a toddler. I started to yawn about 8pm. The combination of tiki masala, white wine, Jack Johnson and jet lag were doing me in.
I was back in my hotel room asleep in bed by 9:30. I slept until about 8am and woke to rain again.
I thought I'd make good use of the rainy morning and decided to go to the gym. Only, when I got to the floor I found that to get to the gym, you had walk outside by the pool. As I was standing there perplexed and unsure of myself, wondering if I should go back to my room and get an umbrella, or just give up on the undertaking all together when a man appeared with an umbrella for me.
After my work out, and my shower, the rain had stopped. So I decided to venture out into the city that would be my new home. I walked to the same shopping center that I had walked by the day before, but this time, a little more awake, and in clean clothes, I was in better spirits.
My hotel is on the edge of Chinatown. I was in the minority, and yet, I didn't feel like I didn't belong. There where people out shopping and walking, stores and restaurants. I felt a similar energy to New York. Everyone kept asking if I was excited about moving to Singapore. And really, I was so bogged down with the weight of the logistics to get here, and with the emotional task of saying goodbye to everyone I love, that I hadn't been able to feel excited yet. Walking down the street in Chinatown in Singapore, I finally felt excited. Like, finally, this is what I’ve been waiting for, this is what all the stress was for. I’m pretty sure I walked around with a goofy grin and wide eyes.
My plan was to just wander, and if I wasn't sure where I was, to than take a taxi back to the hotel. I managed to not get too turned around. I stumbled on the Maxwell Road Hawker Center. I wandered the stalls a little overwhelmed by everything, not sure what was what, or what to buy, and pretty much starving, until I settled on some dumplings. yum. Then I tried to some Almond Milk Tea, and continued on my meandering walk.
I then decided that I wanted to live in Chinatown. Before I thought I wanted to live in a modern High Rise. But seeing the shophouses, the winding streets, the shutters, I thought, this is Asia, this is where I should live. Of course, I'm sure the next neighborhood I explore will be where I decide I have to live.
I made my way back to the hotel. It was about 4:30. I laid down on the bed to rest, thinking I'd take a short nap. I slept until 11pm. I woke up annoyed with myself for having slept through the rest of the day. I was awake for a few hours, watching (I'm ashamed to admit) the Legend of Graystoke on HBO. I then fell back asleep, until 6am.
I decided to explore areas beyond the immediate neighborhood, so I took off for the MRT (Singapore’s subway system). It is CLEAN. And EFFICIENT. (Which I'm noticing, is pretty much how most of the country is, clean and efficient, hmmm...maybe there is an upside to canning).
Two stops on the MRT, and I was near City Hall, the Raffles Hotel and St. Andrews cathedral. I attended service at the cathedral. The Building is shiny white. Very beautiful. Inside, the pews are dark wood and feel ancient, but the walls are white, ceiling fans are white, and the front of the church is painted a bright blue. It feels both old and new.
After church I walked around the Raffles Hotel. I debated doing the high tea in the Tiffin room. Instead opted for lunch in the courtyard. I sat under an umbrella, drank a Singapore Sling and ate some chicken curry. It did feel very colonial. And it was both sweaty and cool, sitting the shade. There was a breeze, but I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. This is one sweaty place.
I headed back to the hotel, and spent a few hours by the pool. I ordered room service, and fell asleep by 9:30. I woke up at 4:45am. I was annoyed that I woke up that early. But, when I logged onto email, I had an email from Joey, he was working the night shift, so he called my hotel and we got to chat a bit. I then, worked out, and got ready for work, had breakfast in the hotel lobby, and headed to the office. In the less then 10 minutes of walking, I was completely covered in sweat. And now I am sitting at my desk, which is next to a window with a view of the harbor. And so, I survived my first weekend in Singapore. And I think I’m already a little bit in love with this place.
A Random Sampling of 2023
2 months ago
So awesome to read your blogging about Singapore (while riding the L to work this morning). Thanks for the report & keep em coming!
Thanks for the date! Sounds so cool, even with the rain and sweat. Keep the blog posts coming!
Welcome to Singapore. I love,that you love my country! We're not all good...you'll meet some of the bad in us but overall, we're an OK bunch! Have fun! Cheers, Belinda!
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