- It stinks. Kind of like a mix of B.O., new car smell and stale air.
- There are a lot of people in here on a Monday afternoon. Recessionistas? Daycrawlers who work from home? Retirees? Who knows...
- The seats by the window go fast.
- It's a wackadoodle trip down memory lane sitting in a study carrel. I keep expecting to see Greek letters carved into the wood. Or graffiti referring to my sorority (or one of the others) as slutty.
- I type REALLY loud.
- Turning the page of a newspaper is a distracting sound.
- People need to turn off their ringers. (and what is great is that if you don't, the sweet Asian lady librarian will come over and passive aggressively request that you kindly turn if off)
- The guy sitting one study carrol over from me needs a cough drop.
- I need to be able to gaze out a window and think for like hours when I'm attempting to write brilliant things.
- Next time, come early and snag a window seat. (and bring a cough drop for throat clearer sitting next to you)
A Random Sampling of 2023
3 months ago
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