It was brought to my attention by a step-3rd-cousin (I have a complex family) that I have been neglecting my blog. (His exacts words were "Ho, get off the street and back in the library")
So to kick start things I am sharing with you something I posted on Facebook. I was "tagged" in a Notes game of tag. You have to write 25 things about yourself and then tag 25 people and they then do the same. and So on. So here are 25 random things about me:
1. Lately, I've really been missing New York, A LOT but I'm not sure if I miss the city or if I miss that time of my life.
2. I hate carrots, bacon and asparagus.
3. Like Lorraine, I go through food phases. One three week period, I ate creamed spinach every day for lunch. Currently I'm going through a brownie phase. I'm hoping it will be replaced by something healthier.
4. I love coffee. I have a Pavlovian response when I even just catch a glimpse of a coffee cup. I love coffee.
5. Two summers (one in high school and one in college) I interned for Congressman Charlie Wilson (as in Charlie Wilson's War). There were three Amy's in the office so his nickname for me was Junior.
6. I have a cat. I love her but she is my secret shame. I don't want to be the cliche, but alas I am. But what can I say? She's a sweetie and greets me at the door.
7. I have never been married, but I have lived through three marriages. My mom and my dad's, My mom and my ex-step dad, My Dad and my step mom. And my mother asked me why I have commitment issues. I will say this, my dad and my step mom have THE marriage. If I get married I hope to be lucky enough to have the kind of marriage that they have.
8. When I was in high school, I hated my step mom. Now however she's one of the most important people in my life. She's the first person I turn to when I need something. I can't imagine who I would be and how I would survive if she wasn't in my life.
9. Like many people I too had a crappy childhood.
10. I'm angry at my sister for dying.
11. I love my family and get cranky if I go too long without seeing them. Although, I get cranky when I'm with them too long. I can spend three days with mom before I start whining like a 12 yr old. I can spend 7 days with my dad, step mom and brothers before we turn like dairy products. Once it sours, it sours fast. Still, I love them and love spending time with them.
12. I have at various times in my life had fake nails, dyed hair and a perm (not all at the same time, but some overlapping) At the moment my nails and my hair are all natural.
13. I have a book problem. I'm always buying them. I like to own them. To keep them. Its hard for me to go into a bookstore without spending 60 bucks. I loan books to friends but ask for them back. I'm a weirdo about books. I rarely re-read them but I still like to see them in my bookcase and remember them.
14. I used to have a shoe and a purse problem. Grad school poverty helped dim it a bit. Although I still own a lot of shoes, especially ones I never wear.
15. I really want to have a family some day. I always wanted to be my next door neighbors the Hamiltons (four kids - two boys and two girls). But I know that I am not ready to not only marry anyone but especially to parent anyone. And I'm ok if I never do. I've yet to meet anyone that I've seriously thought "This is the guy." And I'm not settling for good enough.
16. I watch a lot TV. I love cheesy shows (Gossip Girl, The Hills)
17. I am not licensed to drive. When I was living in New York my drivers license expired and I never got around to getting a new one. And now I have to take both the written and the behind wheel test again. For now, I'm all about the CTA.
18. The most consistent thing in life is my cell phone. I've had it since April 2000. It's the longest in my life that I've had the same phone number. It hasn't escaped me that the most consistent thing in my life is mobile.
19. I didn't eat red meat for ten years. When I was nineteen I stopped eating red meat in an attempt to be healthy, then on my 29th birthday I ordered a steak. I don't know why. But it just sounded good. Now I'm an omnivore.
20. Once in college, while I was bartending, I tripped and knocked over the cash register. It was a mess.
21. I get claustrophobic. It's not debilitating, but it's pretty bad.
22. I'm a night owl. When I was in grad school I did most of my writing late at night lying in bed. Sometimes I'd be up until 5am.
23. I'm an extrovert. I'd rather be out around people. I like crowded restaurants, standing at bars, walking through cities. I get energy from other people. But I go through antisocial moments. I hibernate in my apartment, turn off my phone, and don't leave my apartment for at least a day. I just want/need to spend time by myself reading, writing or watching bad tv about super rich high school kids.
24. I have the greatest Dad. He's "Adorkable." My biggest fear in life is disappointing him. Although, if you hear us talking to each other, I'm mostly teasing him about being nerdy. Underneath the teasing, I respect him the most of anyone I've ever met. He's a pretty extraordinary guy.
25. When I was in kindergarten I got in trouble for telling a boy to pull down his pants on the playground.
A Random Sampling of 2023
2 months ago