Was it my imagination, or did the Chicago news anchors pretend to be surprised that Bill Richards got a nomination? On ABC they pointed out that he had been his competitor at one time. Did they forget that he endorsed him too? Wasn't it a forgone conclusion that he'd be somewhere in the Obama Administration?
Am I missing something? Is there a reason this nomination wasn't part of the Economic Team?
And I'm really curious why now the nominees get to speak? When the Economic Team was announced they stood behind our Prophet President Elect and nodded and looked pleased with themselves and smiled. Or am I remembering the press conference wrong? (seriously asking, I'm not being rhetorical) If I am remembering this correctly, is it that the number crunchers can't speak? Or I wondered if our future Secretary of State wanted to speak and so they set a new precedent.
side note: I thought it was kinda cool that he broke out into Spanish. Take that Pallin and all your "Real Americans"
And could you love Obama any more than when he goes off script and riffs? Calling himself a mutt, mocking Mrs. Reagan and her séances and then today bemoaning the loss of Richards beard. I mean, honestly, I LOVE him.
A Random Sampling of 2023
3 months ago
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