What I did the weekend of Vesak Holiday in Singapore (Thursday May 27 - Sunday May 30 2010)
The last Friday in May, in Southeast Asia (and Singapore in particular) is Vesak day and a national holiday. Apparently this is a celebration of the Budda's birthday, which like how the US celebrates holidays, means big sales in Singapore. For me the weekend started Thursday night when a small group of co-workers and non-googler friends and I went to the Swissotel for Happy Hour drinks (or, Sundowner drink specials). The NewAsia bar in the Swissotel has extraordinary views of Singapore. And on the last Thursday of every month, if you can get on the guest list and/or acquire tickets, you can take your drinks up to the helipad after the sun has gone down. Definitely the best views of Singapore. We drank a few bottles of champagne, waiting to go up on the helipad. But it had rained early, and they just weren't letting anyone up because of the rain. So ventured on, first to McD's for some drunk snacking, then to Loof, for rooftop drinks. It was, as the Irish say, good craic. And the first time I had hung out outside the office with 2 of the girls that were out that night, and the first time I met another coworkers wife.
The next day was Friday, and the holiday. I slept late. Then I ventured out to Bugis for some shopping. It was the first day of the World famous Singapore Sale. Bugis was crammed with people. Crossing the street was a crush of tiny steps, everyone leaning into each other, a mass of humanity slowly moving along the sidewalk. Not fun when you are hungover, and me (who hates crowds, needs personal space, can’t stand people walking slow) Still, I managed to buy an new camera, so in the end a successful afternoon.
Saturday was the wedding of a co-worker, who is Singaporean. It was not a traditional wedding by Singaporean standards, but still quite interesting to see the differences to an American wedding. The wedding was in the Four Seasons with gorgeous views of the sunny day out side. The ceremony was sweet, the officiate funny, and he would switch from mandarin to English during the ceremony. After the ceremony, wine and juice was served and a great buffet spread, and cupcakes. Which we know, I love.
After the ceremony two of the girls from the office and I went onto have more wine at Boomerang on Robinson Quay. and after that we stopped at a Going Away BBQ for a googler, and then on to a bar for a drink. It was a lovely afternoon, getting to know better some great people from work.
The next day I met friend for Sex and The City 2 and some starbucks. and then I went home and did laundry.
It was a great weekend.
What I didn’t do the Weekend of Memorial Day (Friday May 28 to Monday May31st)
I didn’t see Sex and The City 2 with my friend Dana and friends as part of her birthday celebration.
I missed hanging out with my family that weekend.
I missed the cubs game. I missed the Sheffield beer and music fest.
I didn’t see the Blackhawks game.
I didn’t go my cousin’s wedding. I didn’t dance at the reception. I didn’t hear the speech my Uncle gave that left everyone in tears. I didn’t see the Maid of Honor, my cousin and twin sister of the bride, who is tom-boyish and tough with a wicked sense of humor, who cried through her whole toast.
I didn’t hear the off color but funny jokes my uncle joe tells.
I didn’t hang out with my brothers and their fiancĂ©es, and my parents before, during or after the wedding.
A Random Sampling of 2023
2 months ago