Don't pee on the toilet seat. Really.
When you are in the ladies room, don't spray so much perfume, that I end up smelling like your perfume.
Drama. Can't we all just take a deep breath and relax?
You don't always respond to my emails or return my phone calls, so don't whig out when I don't respond to yours.
Please respond to my emails.
Wait for people to exit the el before pushing your way on.
Hurry up and get off the damn train.
Stop singing under your breath. You are not in the shower. You are not on a karaoke stage. You are sitting next to me on public transportation.
The el is not a singles bar. If I am reading a book (or listening to my iPod) do not repeatedly ask for my phone number or my email address when I have repeatedly and politely refused to give it to you. Also, don't bother giving me your phone number and email address. Drunkard.
Seriously. Take a deep breath. Everyone.
I hate phlegm. I hate mucous. I hate congestion. I hate my sinuses. I hate being sick.
I hate when I'm cranky. I hate when other people are cranky.
I like sunny days.
I like eating lunch outside.
I like puppies.
And dogs.
And kittens.
And cats.
And lattes. I miss drinking lattes. I wish I could still afford to drink a latte every morning. I miss making money.
Puppies are cute.