(This ones for you JW.)
Why, although I do it ALL the time, I hate traveling:
stocking feet with the inevitable hole in the big toe or at the heel, on slick linoleum airport floors
people who put their shoes back on right at the point on the security conveyor belt where your stuff comes out, causing blockage from the line of people behind them, and forcing me to stand in my stocking feet just that much longer.
scratchy announcements about which rows are boarding that are illegible.
anyone pushing to be the one to enter the plane before me (come on people, we have "assigned" seats)
if you order a soda, the flight attendant gives the can. if you order a water, you get a dixie cup of water. give me the damn bottle!
baggage claim. children climbing on the baggage carousel and parents not stopping them. people who push me to stand on the edge of the carousel, blocking as many as possible from both viewing access of the baggage on the carousel as well as actual physical access.
Shuttle drivers who drop me off on the wrong side for the street, forcing me to roll my suitcase across 3rd ave while I'm are carrying a laptop, purse and my coat.
not having my cat sleeping at my feet.
showering in someone else's shower- trying to figure out how to turn the water on, how much hot is needed and how much cold, trying to find the spot on the tub edge for my shampoo, trying to figure out how to turn the water off.
not having the intuitive experience of the best way to walk to the subway, which stairs at the exit are the most efficient, which subway stop is the closest.
not having a badge for the office building and having to have a black and white digital photo taken of me that looks like I just smelled a fart.
carrying my laptop all over Manhattan.
why I love traveling:
seeing my friends
being in new york again
seeing my friends
seeing my friends.