I feel the pressure, as a writing student, to blog. Which left me with the thought, if I had a blog what would I write on it?
Just random nuggets of thoughts:

Walking on Belmont, venti cup of crack in hand (the new cinnamon dolce latte - skim no whip) and a smile on my face because even though it's January it was in the 50's. Edit Piaf was on on my Ipod, and I was a block from the L, when I ran into my Aunt Janella. She is tall and thin, with the kind of short curly hair that makes her look like an artist. Seeing her olive skin and rigid cheek bones walking towards me, I was momentarily shocked. It was her out of context, in my neighborhood, on a Thursday afternoon, and not at my grandparents over the holidays. She doesn't hug. I once hugged her good bye when she was dropping me off at the airport. It was angular and distant, and my arms were back at my side before it even started. I almost reached out my arms to her, but stopped myself. You don't hug a non hugger in the middle of the day on a busy street. We chatted amicably, and I walked away feeling more at home in Chicago than I have in the five months that I've lived here.
My friends in New York are huggers. We don't do those half assed kiss on the cheek things. We hug. Tight hugs, real hugs. I miss them. But then I also miss New York.
Yuck. Slush falling from the sky.
I sit in a big pretty office with futuristic furniture. It's a Friday that feels like a Monday. And all I can think about is drinking with my friends tonight.
I didn't want to leave my bed this morning. I spent three weeks traveling, and the whole time I missed my bed. Can I be in love with my feather bed? my 400 threadcount sheets, my pillows, my old teddy bear. Because I am.
I keep thinking about tonight, because I am looking forward to seeing my Chicago friends again. Being in New York last week, briefly stepping into my old life felt great and strange. But now I'm ready to taste Chicago again