This is my mom's cat, rolling around in the mulch. not sure why, but she was having fun.

And my Mom's Dogs..looking pretty after coming back from the Dog Laundry

This poor horse was giving a ride to a cop.
"I have only words to play with" ~Nabokov
No, those closest to him emphasize other pieces of his life. Because he did. They all say he had three loves: his family, basketball and fishing.
Summer weekends at the family cottage in Beach Haven, N.J., would find Mr. Murphy, 36, fishing on the 20-footer named Nothin" But Net. Because, though only 5- foot-9, he could drop a basketball into a net without hitting the rim.
Mr. Murphy, a vice president at Marsh & McLennan, formed basketball leagues. He was a regular at Knicks games. He even taught his daughter, Maggie, only 2 years old, to dribble (with both hands).
But he wasn"t dogmatic. His son, Sean, 4, somehow wasn"t charmed by basketball, so father and son would find projects. They"d fix things around the house in Millburn, N.J. They"d search Internet sites for information about trucks, Sean"s passion, and Mr. Murphy would bookmark them.
"He enjoyed his success," said his wife, Vera. "But Patrick had a motto. He"d say he worked to live. He didn"t live to work."
(Copyright (c) 2001 by The New York Times Co. Reprinted by permission.)
I've met only one Patrick.
Seen only a couple redheads.
Gaelic is not "Irish". There is a separate Irish language; it's one of THE most ancient languages.
The Irish call soccer soccer, rugby rugby and football, well they have their own sport that they call football.
Policemen/cops are referred to as guards.
Your home is your "gaff"
If you are drunk, you are "locked" (let's just say that the Dubliners, the ones from my office in particular, have gotten me quite locked)
After a night of being "locked" you will be knackered the next day (tired).
The guide books were not kidding about the buying of "rounds", get in there early as soon as possible to do your duty.
Apparently I’m a “bird.”
Neighbors know neighbors, even in
Again, can’t say it enough, Dubliners are lovely.
* I promise PROMISE that I will start posting photographs...next post.
Definitions of craic on the Web:
My challenges have been:
What I've done ….
When I arrived on Wednesday …It was beautiful weather outside, sunny and in the 70's. But when I got to my apartment, I fell asleep. My plan was to get the lay of the land in my neighborhood, work out the walk to the office, and do a minimum amount of grocery shopping. Instead, I got to the apartment, and then feel asleep. So of course, didn't sleep much(if any) on Wednesday night. I did, through a serious of flipping through the local phone book and all my guide books realize that my apartment is "off the map" at least in terms of tourist maps. But I managed to figure out where I was off the map and found in the phone book a Chinese restaurant around the corner from my apartment and I ordered dinner.
Thursday, I went to the office, as I suspected there were both expecting me and not prepared for me. Everyone was charming in the office, and when explaining that I would be here for a few weeks and then taking a course out west, the frequent response was "brilliant." The Irish have proven to be quite lovely so far. An SAIC friend (cc) was in town for the night. We had a tasty Italian meal in a charming restaurant off of Merrion Square and then went to a pub, which is apparently frequented by more Dubliners than tourists (according to the cab driver- Dubliners go there for "a wee bit of drink and a wee bit of music"). We anticipated lively Irish jig type of music, instead it was rather melancholy and slow. On my ride home that evening, my cab driver shared with me his love life whoas and gave me instructions on what areas I shouldn't walk though at night…he also pointd out that his "mad exgirlfriend" kept calling his mobile on the cab ride, in a 7 minute ride, she called 10 times. I gave him love advice, and a big tip as he dropped me off. And when I came home, I actually did sleep a bit, but not as much as I needed.
Friday, went to the office. Struggled again with the shift key, and dialing out … but getting the hang of it. Then came home, took a nap, discovered a web site that you can order delivery from (yeah the internet) …ordered Indian food, watched Irish TV (which from what I can tell is a lot of BBC shows, dramas of various sorts (as in the soap opera family), American shows (a season late), and there is even a channel that from time to time has shows that are all Gaelic, and more than once it's taken me several minutes to realize that it isn't just the heavy Irish brogue that I can't understand, it's another language) I then fell asleep for the night sometime around 1am, and slept til 12:45 the next afternoon.
Saturday, hadn't expected to sleep away the morning, and I woke up to the type of weather I had been expecting, wet and grey. I walked around and found a spot to buy some coffee and yogurt and dish detergent and all that stuff. And then I ventured out into the city. I read, in more than one guidebook, about a literary pub crawl, and according to the website, it was a good activity for women traveling alone. So I took a deep breath, walked into the pub that was the starting point, and solo, bought a ticket and joined the pub crawl.
It was fun. The crawlers were a mix of americans, candadians, dubliners, aussies, even a norweigan (who used to live in new zealand) the Norwegian (or Viking as our guide referred to her) was a charming woman in her fifties, recently divorced, traveling ireland on her own because she has always wanted to visit ireland and had no friends who were interested in coming. She and I pal'd around on the crawl, and at the end of the crawl ended up in a pub with the dubliners from the crawl who kept buying us round after round of guinness and not letting us return the favor and buy them drinks. They were lovely and entertaining and we were in the pub past last call when finally we declared a cease fire …it was time to head home.
Sunday, I wasn't as hungover as I worried I would be, although I was a tad rough…. and CC was back in the city for the day/night. We ventured out for lunch, of course not before I took us in the wrong direction (and forget to bring the map with me) as we walked the Ballsbridge nieghborhood. After lunch I took her to one of the pubs we hit on the crawl, one that Osar Wilde and Samuel Beckett frequented while students at Trinity. Watching the World Cup, outside the
CC left me this monday morning to fly back to the states …and here I am … back at the office, mastering the shift key, and struggling to make calls outside the office….
transmogrify \trans-MOG-ruh-fy\, transitive verb:
To change into a different shape or to transform, often with bizarre or humorous effect.
A washing machine transmogrified into a guitar.
-- Adrian Searle, "Come, friendly pigeons", The Guardian, March 16, 2000For the impulsive sin of turning to look back at the funereal pyre of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot's wife is transmogrified into a pillar of salt as she flees the inferno.
-- Elizabeth Wurtzel, Bitch: In Praise of Difficult WomenRoast chicken is still roast chicken whether you label it haute cuisine, bourgeois cuisine or country cooking; even calling it "poulet roti" will not transmogrify this simple bird.
-- Jacques Pepin, "The Chicken Dinner, Both Humble and Noble", New York Times, January 4, 1989
Fish in the water, jumping. The ping, splish sound.
Honeysuckles flowers
Warm tar on bare feet.
Water logged ears, goose bumps … hugging my towel after swim team practice.
Chlorine in my eyes, water in my ears.
Riding my bike from the cul-de-sac down the hill to the end of the block.
Oolie goolie land.
Playing kick the can at night.
Tents in the backyard.
Lying on the grass, looking at the moon.
Steamed crabs and block parties.
Rolling in waves, sand stuck in my bathing suit.
Peeling the skin from my sunburnt nose.
Digging my toe into sand looking for the slick grey slimy discs of sandollars.
Flav-o-ice popsicles.
Ice cream truck tunes.
Evenings eating dinner on the deck, citronella candles lighting everything.
His name is Mackey.
I used to have a boyfriend named
It’s true love.
hortative \HOR-tuh-tiv\ adjective
: giving exhortation : advisory
Example sentence:
Amy suspected that her hortative letter to her son about the values of hard work and education would be ignored in the swirl of freshman partying, but she sent it anyway.
(CNN) -- FBI agents and local police were searching a
The search was being conducted in
A federal law enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity said the search is for Hoffa's body.
Aerial footage from the scene showed at least 15 people outside a barn, most of whom were digging a rectangular hole.
The agents and local police were looking for "evidence of criminal activity that may have occurred when the properties were under previous ownership," FBI agent Daniel Roberts said in a news release.
"The search warrant is based on a lead which is one of numerous leads received through the years following the disappearance of Mr. Hoffa on July 30, 1975," he said.
John and Deb Koskovich have lived on a neighboring property since 1985. When they saw the men digging next door, John Koskovich asked them what they were doing.
"They just said they were executing a search warrant," Deb Koskovich said.
John Koskovich said there have been reports over the years that Hoffa may be buried in the area, but "we just thought it was just another one of those crazy rumors," he said.
Hoffa was last seen at Machus Red Fox restaurant in
Hoffa believed Giacalone had set up the meeting to help settle a feud between Hoffa and Provenzano, but Hoffa was the only one who showed up for the meeting, according to the FBI.
Giacalone and Provenzano later told the FBI that no meeting had been scheduled.
The FBI said Hoffa's disappearance could have been linked to the union boss's efforts to regain power in the Teamsters after he was released from prison.
After serving time for jury tampering and fraud at a federal penitentiary in
Nixon included in the pardon a condition that Hoffa "not engage in direct or indirect management of any labor organization" until at least March 1980.
Hoffa was 62 at the time of his disappearance.
In May 2004, authorities in
Authorities went to the
Investigators ruled blood found in the house was not Hoffa's. The FBI has a sample of his DNA.
Sheehan, who was considered a confidant of Hoffa's, died in December 2003. Provenzano died in 1988 after being convicted in another murder case and Giacalone died of kidney failure in 2002 at age 82.
Hoffa's son, James P. Hoffa, is the current president of the Teamsters.
I met K in ninth grade in Ms. Jaffe’s drama class. We’ve been through it all, our friendship even survived being roommates for three years. She’s been more than a friend to me, she’s been more a sister and she’s my family.
I remember the night that K met B. She turned to me and said, “I wanna kiss him.” And as we all know, tonight she finally did.
In the first few months of their relationship, B and I had a conversation one night when he shared with me how amazed he was with K, with how independent and together she was, he was impressed and smitten.
I came across a poem the other day that reminded me of the night K and B met and that conversation I had with him.
I caught sight of a splendid Misses. She had handkerchiefs and kisses. She had eyes and yellow shoes she had everything to choose and she chose me
*the poem is a Gertrude Stein poem
Götterdämmerung \gher-ter-DEM-uh-roong\ noun
: a collapse (as of a society or regime) marked by catastrophic violence and disorder; broadly : downfall
Example sentence:
Although we all hoped for a peaceful transfer of power, we feared the conflict would instead end in a chaotic Götterdämmerung.
Did you know?
Norse mythology specified that the destruction of the world would be preceded by a cataclysmic final battle between the good and evil gods, resulting in the heroic deaths of all the "good guys." The German word for this earth-shattering last battle was "Götterdämmerung." Literally, "Götterdämmerung" means "twilight of the gods." ("Götter" is the plural of "Gott," meaning "god," and "Dämmerung" means "twilight.") Figuratively, the term is extended to situations of world-altering destruction marked by extreme chaos and violence. In the 19th century, the German composer Richard Wagner brought attention to the word "Götterdämmerung" when he chose it as the title of the last opera of his cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen, and by the early 20th century, the word had entered English.
From: email from brazilian candidate
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:31 PM
To: me
Subject: Notificação de leitura
(email address) with subject "FW: It was a pleasure speaking with you today" was displayed this is no guarantee that the message has been read or understood
Definitions of ides of march on the Web:
Casey Moran’s. It made me feel quite old, being in a bar with all those early twenty-somethings, drunk and horny and on the prowl. But I spent my time at Casey Moran’s on the dance floor. I am not a dancer. I have no graceful movements. I am notorious clutzy and uncoordinated. For the most part I just sort of jump. CC and I for the whole time, and part of the time LM and PJ joined, danced with complete abandon. I felt like I was thirteen again and was jumping on the couches in Alison Gubser’s living room, and air guitaring to Brian Adams. It was the combination of the eighties music that they were playing, and that, in my pigtails, t-shirt and sneakers, I could care less what I looked like, surrounded by the overpainted and hormonal kids around us (most of which were macking down with determination all around the dance floor)
It was embracing the cheese and giving in to it.
I should add though that I am no longer twenty-three, so when most of my early twenties friends called it a night, I should have done the same. In stead, I went on to another bar with a smaller concentration of our group (two people to be exact) and drank more until after 4am.
I had a meeting with my grad projects advisor at noon at Ann Sather (good eggs benedict there). The first thing she said to me was “Are you just waking up?”
I painfully croaked, “Yes.”
I danced (and drank) like I was twenty-three but man o man, I woke up feeling every one of my thirty-three years of age.
Earlier I was thinking I would blog how to have a good morning...which would be,
wake up before your alarm goes off, naturally, slowly, easily, not in that, dammit I have five more minutes of sleep, but in that slept all I needed ready to start my day...make yourself some great scrambled eggs on a whole wheat muffin with some havarti cheese...watch good morning america and write the lesson plan that you should have written the day before...walk to the coffee shop on your corner and treat yourself to a non-fat large latte..walk to the el listening to ella fitzgerald on your ipod.... enjoy sunshine on the el platform... get a window seat on the el and watch this wacky city spin underneath you...drop off copies of your latest draft of a story to your advisor, and everyone in your workshop class, smile as you walk north toward the river because it's 10 am and you've already gotten so much done ... enjoy the spring window displays at Marshall Fields...it's sunny and in the 40's outside...spring is coming... notice the rhythm of the city as you trot up Dearborn listening to Louie Armstrong.... get to the office early enough to not feel guilty that you only wrote the training session you are doing that day that morning ... and then ...
call your 21 yr old nephew (such a baby still - at least in your imagination) to say "please don't be a hero" because he is shipping out to Iraq for his 2nd tour at 0300... promise that THIS time you'll actually do more than send him one or two emails...
proceed to have an exhausting day ... do two days of work between 10:30 am and 8:30 pm... speak to people in both Brazil and China trying to keep track of different currencies and different slang when asking they same ol same ol recruiting questions ... between EIGHT phone interviews some three in row (and never having more than a 30 minute break between anything …which between interviews running over and submitting feedback and responding to emails becomes less than 10) ... answer emails from your mother about a family situation that is DRAINING...and some how you have been nominated to have a conversation with someone that no one wants to confront ...
and still you are in the office at 8:30 at night...
How to start your day in a great mood and end it exhausted…
In a previous post, I incorrectly described my friend as talking through a moment of anguish. That was writer's embellishment. It was the word that I liked in the sentence, but she pointed out to me last night that Anguish was a little too intense a word. She's right. That was lazy writing. So below are some better word choices:
Disappointment n.
Frustration n.
Vexation n.
Exasperation n.
Aggravation n.
The other day a dear friend who I have known for many years and someone with whom I’ve blurred the platonic/romantic friendship lines many times, called me quirky. He used other words, but quirky was what stayed with me. Because he meant it with affection, and he knows me quite well and knows that I’m weird, and that I think I’m weird.
One of the greatest things for me about being a writing student, is meeting other writers. We are different. Each of us our own bizarre collection of idiosyncrasies. Kind of like the table of food at a church pot luck dinner. But I’ve found that some of my weirdness is not uniquely mine, but actually part of a shared fraternity.
My fellow writing students, own books, keep them, loan them out but ask for them back.
I am among other quirky people who are also in constant play with words.
things i love about
Now that my classes have started again, and I am reading volumes of stuff, and I have write and be creative every day, I find I have nothing blog about.
Curious, right?
Word of the Day:
For your further education, I'd like share a word that I came across that I love. I don't know why I love this word. But it feels good on my lips and in my sentences. It has sass and eloquence, all at once. Kinda like me and most of my friends ;-)
Definitions of audacious on the Web: